TechDraw Workbench/ko

기술도면 작업대 아이콘


기술도면 작업대부품 작업대, 부품설계 작업대 또는 건축 작업대와 같은 다른 작업대에서 생성되거나 다른 응용 프로그램에서 가져온 3D 모델에서 기본 기술 도면을 생성하는 데 사용됩니다.

치수, 단면, 해칭 영역, 주석 및 SVG 기호를 페이지에 추가할 수 있습니다.이 페이지는 DXF, SVGPDF와 같은 다른 형식으로 추가로 내보낼 수 있습니다.

If your primary goal is the production of complex 2D drawings and DXF files, and you don't need 3D modelling, FreeCAD may not be the right choice for you. You may wish to consider a dedicated software program for technical drafting instead, such as LibreCAD or QCad.


introduced in version 1.0: The TechDraw Workbench has a snapping feature. It can be used to automatically align views, section views and dimensions when positioning them by dragging with the mouse. With Snap View Alignment enabled (default) in the preferences, views will snap to alignment with other views when close enough (View Snapping Factor setting). Dimensions are also snapped to other parallel dimensions and the dimension text can be snapped to the middle of the dimension line. Snapping can be temporarily disabled by holding down the Alt key.




TechDraw views

Views from other workbenches


These are tools for changing the stacking order which controls the apparent depth of views on a page.





Attributes and modifications

  • Extend Line: extends a cosmetic line or centerline at both ends.
  • Shorten Line: shortens a cosmetic line or centerline at both ends.

Centerlines and threading

  • Add Cosmetic Arc: adds a cosmetic counter clockwise arc based on three vertexes.


Several of the Extensions dimension tools are listed under Dimensions above.

  • Remove Prefix: removes all symbols at the beginning of the dimension text.


Obsolete tools

Additional features



The TechDraw tools can be used in macros and from the Python console. For more information see:



A "few" added lines of code result in a tool like the Macro TemplateHelper.

Video tutorials by sliptonic


Do you want to know about the future of the TechDraw Workbench? Visit the TechDraw Roadmap Page to learn more.